During the first two years of our Ph.D. program, students work on a series of research projects on different topics and with different advisors. Some recent publications that have emerged from these "semester projects":
- Caleb Lammers, Miles Cranmer, Shirley Ho, Daniel Tamayo, et al (2024), Accelerating Giant-impact Simulations with Machine Learning
Caleb Lammers, Josh Winn (2024), Slow Rotation for the Super-puff Planet Kepler-51d
Yilun Ma, Jenny Greene, David Setton, et al. (2025), UNCOVER: 404 Error -- Models Not Found for the Triply Imaged Little Red Dot A2744-QSO1 - Yilun Ma, Andy Goulding, Jenny Greene, et al. (2024), Evidence for Intrinsic X-ray Weakness among Red Quasars at Cosmic Noon
- Minghao Guo, James M. Stone, Eliot Quataert, Chang-Goo Kim (2024), Magnetized Accretion onto and Feedback from Supermassive Black Holes in Elliptical Galaxies
- Minghao Guo, Chang-Goo Kim, James M. Stone (2024), Evolution of Supernova Remnants in a Cloudy Multiphase Interstellar Medium
- Amir Siraj, Christopher F. Chyba, Scott Tremaine (2025), Orbit of a Possible Planet X
- Caleb Lammers, Josh Winn (2024), The Six-planet Resonant Chain of HD 110067
- Christian Kragh Jespersen, Charles L. Steinhardt, Rachel S. Somerville and Christopher C. Lovell (2024), On the Significance of Rare Objects at High Redshift: The Impact of Cosmic Variance
- Minghao Guo, James M. Stone, Chang-Goo Kim, Eliot Quataert (2023), Toward Horizon-scale Accretion onto Supermassive Black Holes in Elliptical Galaxies
- Philippe Yao, Eliot Quataert (2023), The Origin of the Consistent Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function Bright-end Cutoff
- Chris Bambic, Russell, Reynolds et al., (2023), AGN feeding and feedback in M84: from kiloparsec scales to the Bondi radius
- Chris Bambic, Bai & Ostriker (2021), MHD-PIC Simulations of Cosmic-Ray Scattering and Transport in Inhomogeneously Ionized Plasma
- Yi-Xian Chen, Adam Burrows et al. (2023), Jupiter Atmospheric Models and Outer Boundary Conditions for Giant Planet Evolutionary Calculations
- Yi-Xian Chen, Yan-Fei Jiang, Jeremy Goodman & Eve Ostriker (2023), 3D Radiation Hydrodynamic Simulations of Gravitational Instability in AGN Accretion Disks: Effects of Radiation Pressure
- Jiaxuan Li, Peter Melchior, et al., (2023), PopSED: Population-Level Inference for Galaxy Properties from Broadband Photometry with Neural Density Estimation
- Jiaxuan Li, Jenny E. Greene, et al., (2023), Beyond Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies I: Mass-Size Outliers Among the Satellites of Milky Way Analogs
- Jiaxuan Li, Jenny E. Greene, et al.., (2023), Beyond Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies II. Environmental Quenching of Mass-Size Outliers Among the Satellites of Milky Way Analogs
- Shaunak Modak, Chris Hamilton (2023), Eccentricity dynamics of wide binaries - I. The effect of Galactic tides
- Shaunak Modak, Shany Danieli, Jenny E. Greene (2023), Distinguishing Dark Matter Cusps from Cores Using Globular Clusters
- Shaunak Modak, Eliot Quataert, Yan-Fei Jiang, Todd A. Thompson (2023), Cosmic-ray driven galactic winds from the warm interstellar medium
- Matt Sampson, Peter Melchior (2023), Spotting Hallucinations in Inverse Problems with Data-driven Priors
- Jacob Nibauer, Ana Bonaca, Kathryn V. Johnston (2023), Constraining the Gravitational Potential from the Projected Morphology of Extragalactic Tidal Streams
- Philippe Yao, Eliot Quataert, Andy Goulding (2023), Observational Signatures of Carbon-Oxygen White Dwarf Merger Remnants
- Yi-Xian Chen, Avery Bailey, James Stone et al. (2022), Prograde and Retrograde Gas Flow around Disk-embedded Companions: Dependence on Eccentricity, Mass, and Disk Properties
- Philippe Yao, Amy Secunda, Jenny Greene, Yan-Fei Jiang (2022), A Negative Long Lag from the Optical to the UV Continuum in Fairall 9
- Christian Kragh Jespersen, Peter Melchior, Shirley Ho (2022), Mangrove: Learning Galaxy Properties from Merger Trees
- Roberto Tejada Arevalo, Daniel Tamayo, and Miles Cranmer (2022). Stability Constrained Characterization of the 23 Myr Old V1298 Tau System: Do Young Planets Form in Mean Motion Resonance Chains?
- Roberto Tejada Arevalo, Josh Winn, and Kassandra Anderson (2021). Further Evidence for Tidal Spin-up of Hot Jupiter Host Stars
- He Jia et al. (2022), Observational Signatures of Black Hole Accretion: Rotating vs. Spherical Flows with Tilted Magnetic Fields (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022MNRAS.515.1392J/abstract)
Yan Liang et al. (2022), DI Herculis revisited: Starspots, Gravity Darkening, and 3D Obliquities (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022ApJ...927..114L/abstract) - Nora Linzer et al. (2022), Spectropolarimetric measurements of hidden broad lines in nearby megamaser galaxies: a lack of clear evidence for a correlation between black hole masses and virial products https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022arXiv220801669L/abstract
- Alisa Galishnikova, Matthew Kunz, and Alexander Schekochihin (2022). Tearing instability and current-sheet disruption in the turbulent dynamo https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022arXiv220107757G/abstract
- Tianshu Wang & Peter Melchior (2022), Graph Neural Network-based Resource Allocation Strategies for Multi-Object Spectroscopy (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022MLS%26T...3a5023W/abstract)
- Roohi Dalal et al. (2021), Brightest Cluster Galaxies are Statistically Special from z=0.3 to z=1.0
- Amy Secunda, Betsy Hernandez, Jeremy Goodman (2020), Evolution of Retrograde Orbiters in an AGN Disk
- Miles Cranmer et al. (2020), Discovering Symbolic Models from Deep Learning with Inductive Biases
- Lachlan Lancaster, Jenny Greene et al. (2020), A Mystery in Chamaeleon: Serendipitous Discovery of a Galactic Symbiotic Nova
- Eric Moseley, Bruce Draine, Kengo Tomida, Jim Stone (2020), Turbulent dissipation, CH+ abundance, H2 line luminosities, and polarization in the cold neutral medium
- Amy Secunda, Renyue Cen, et al. (2020), Delayed Photons from Binary Evolution Help Reionize the Universe
- Oliver Philcox, Elena Massara, David Spergel (2020), What does the marked power spectrum measure? Insights from perturbation theory
- Lachlan Lancaster et al. (2020), Dynamical friction in a Fuzzy Dark Matter universe
- Tianshu Wang, Adam Burrows (2020), Generalized Kompaneets formalism for inelastic neutrino-nucleon scattering in supernova simulations
- Zack Li and Renyue Cen (2020), Assembly Conformity of Structure Growth: Fossil versus Normal Groups of Galaxies
- Erin Kado-Fong et al. (2020), Diffuse Ionized Gas in Simulations of Multiphase, Star-forming Galactic Disks
- Oliver Philcox, David Spergel, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro (2020), Effective halo model: Creating a physical and accurate model of the matter power spectrum and cluster counts
- Vassilis Tsiolis et al. (2020), Structure formation in turbulence as an instability of effective quantum plasma
- Oliver Philcox et al. (2020), Combining full-shape and BAO analyses of galaxy power spectra: a 1.6% CMB-independent constraint on the Hubble constant
- Goni Halevi, Andy Goulding, Jenny Greene, et al. (2020), HSC-XD 52: An X-Ray Detected AGN in a Low-mass Galaxy at z ∼ 0.56
- Wenrui Xu, Jim Stone (2019), Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion in supergiant X-ray binaries: stability and disc formation
- Zack Li, Jia Liu, et al. (2019), Constraining neutrino mass with tomographic weak lensing peak counts
- Avery Bailey, Jeremy Goodman (2019), Understanding WASP-12b
- Zack Li, Vera Glusevic et al. (2019), Disentangling dark physics with cosmic microwave background experiments
- Wenrui Xu, Jeremy Goodman (2019), The linear theory of tidally excited spiral density waves: application to CV and circumplanetary discs
- Scott Carlsten, Michael Strauss, et al. (2019), Wavelength-dependent PSFs and their impact on weak lensing measurements
Some recent publications by students working on their dissertations:
- Bambic, Quataert, Kunz & Jiang (2024), Local models of two-temperature accretion disc coronae - II. Ion thermal conduction and the absence of disc evaporation
- Bambic, Quataert & Kunz (2024), Local models of two-temperature accretion disc coronae - I. Structure, outflows, and energetics
- Roohi Dalal et al (2023), Hyper Suprime-Cam Year 3 Results: Cosmology from Cosmic Shear Power Spectra, https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023arXiv230400701D/abstract
- Alisa Galishnikova et al (2023). Collisionless Accretion onto Black Holes: Dynamics and Flares, https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.115201
- Alwin Mao, Eve Ostriker, Chang-Goo Kim (2020), Cloud Properties and Correlations with Star Formation in Self-consistent Simulations of the Multiphase ISM
- Avery Bailey, Jim Stone, Jeffrey Fung (2020), The Three Dimensional Flow Field Around Planets on Eccentric Orbits
- Brianna Lacy, Adam Burrows (2020), JWST Transit Spectra I: Exploring Potential Biases and Opportunities in Retrievals of Tidally-locked Hot Jupiters with Clouds and Hazes
- Scott Carlsten, Jenny Greene, et al. (2020), Radial Distributions of Dwarf Satellite Systems in the Local Volume
- Zack Li, et al. (2020), The cross correlation of the ABS and ACT maps
- Erin Kado-Fong, Jenny Greene, et al. (2020), Tracing the Intrinsic Shapes of Dwarf Galaxies Out to Four Effective Radii: Clues to Low-mass Stellar Halo Formation
- Luke Bouma, Josh Winn, et al. (2020), PTFO 8-8695: Two Stars, Two Signals, No Planet
- Cxvhristina Kreisch et al. (2020), Neutrino puzzle: Anomalies, interactions, and cosmological tensions
- Luke Bouma, Josh Winn, et al. (2020), WASP-4 Is Accelerating toward the Earth
- Brianna Lacy, Adam Burrows (2020), Prospects for Directly Imaging Young Giant Planets at Optical Wavelengths
- Scott Carlsten et al. (2020), Wide-field Survey of Dwarf Satellite Systems around 10 Hosts in the Local Volume
- Erin Kado-Fong, Jenny Greene, et al. (2020), Star Formation in Isolated Dwarf Galaxies Hosting Tidal Debris: Extending the Dwarf-Dwarf Merger Sequence
- Samuel Yee, Josh Winn, et al. (2020), The Orbit of WASP-12b Is Decaying
- Luke Bouma et al. (2019), Cluster Difference Imaging Photometric Survey. I. Light Curves of Stars in Open Clusters from TESS Sectors 6 and 7
- Heather Prince, Jo Dunkley (2019), Data compression in cosmology: A compressed likelihood for Planck data
- Christina Kreisch et al. (2019), Massive neutrinos leave fingerprints on cosmic voids
- Scott Carlsten et al. (2019), Using Surface Brightness Fluctuations to Study Nearby Satellite Galaxy Systems: Calibration and Methodology
- Scott Carlsten et al. (2019), Using Surface Brightness Fluctuations to Study nearby Satellite Galaxy Systems: The Complete Satellite System of M101
- Mackenzie Moody et al. (2019), Hydrodynamic Torques in Circumbinary Accretion Disks
- Luke Bouma, Josh Winn, et al. (2019), WASP-4b Arrived Early for the TESS Mission
- Brianna Lacy et al. (2019), Characterization of Exoplanet Atmospheres with the Optical Coronagraph on WFIRST
- Christina Kreisch, Eiichiro Komatsu (2019), Cosmological constraints on Horndeski gravity in light of GW170817
- Erin Kado-Fong, Jenny Greene, et al. (2019), Tidal Features at 0.05 < z < 0.45 in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program: Properties and Formation Channels