Visit our directions page for directions, including from local airports, public transportation, and car.
Peyton Hall is home to offices for most of the department, several classrooms, meeting spaces, and an Observatory.
171 Broadmead houses the McComas Space Physics Laboratory, offices for Space Physics, the LSST/Rubin group, and meeting spaces. -
The construction taking place around Peyton Hall is the building of the new home for Environmental Studies and the School of Engineering and Applied Science on Ivy Lane across from Lewis Library, Peyton Hall, and Princeton Stadium. At this writing, there is no pedestrian walkway between Washington Road and Peyton Hall along Ivy Lane; rather, you should approach Peyton Hall from the South. Ivy Lane is open to pedestrians heading East from Peyton Hall (towards 171 Broadmead). Click here for updated information about how to reach Peyton Hall.
Information on how to declare your major and the next steps can be found on our Declaring an Astrophysics Major page.
Information on what materials are needed to apply and the next steps can be found on our Graduate Program Admissions page.
This is a separate program from the Astrophysics program; you may find relevant information here. If you are unsure whether the Astrophysics or plasma physics program is right for you, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies in Astro (Gaspar Bakos) or Plasma (Nat Fisch) for advice.
Please see our Jobs page where we list currently-advertised postdoctoral and faculty positions and application procedures.
Please visit the Princeton University COVID Resources page.